Who May A US Citizen Or Permanent Resident Sponsor For A Green Card?

Our immigration practice group frequently receives inquiries from current and prospective clients regarding their options for family-based immigration to the US, including sponsorship by a US citizen or US Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) for LPR status (also commonly referred to as a “Green Card”). Generally, the US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides for two primary types of family-based immigrant visa categories to obtain LPR status, including immediate relatives and family preference categories.
Immediate Relative […]

By | January 22nd, 2020 ||

PERM: Employers, Representatives, And Agents

Some employers have learned the hard way that the role of representatives and attorneys is clearly separated in the PERM Rule and that violation of that rule may result in harsh consequences.

Employers are required to be totally involved in the recruitment process of their PERM applications. Their attorneys cannot review resumes, interview applicants, or take responsibility for rejection of workers by signing recruitment reports. However, representatives, if properly identified on the PERM form as […]

By | January 20th, 2020 ||

MoFo Lawyers Try Case Challenging Border-Detention-Center Conditions

MoFo attorneys on January 13, 2020, began trying a case challenging what they allege are inhumane conditions at the Arizona detention centers of the U.S. Border Patrol, where immigrants are held until their status can be determined.

Filed in 2015 as part of what eventually became a class action brought on behalf of immigration groups, the lawsuit alleges that the holding cells in the U.S. Border Patrol’s busy Tucson Sector are dirty, cold, and overcrowded. […]

By | January 15th, 2020 ||